It is not easy to extricate oneself today in the multifaceted world of the ancient.
In the heart of Verona, a few steps from the Roman forum, there is still a shop that makes dialogue and proposal the first step towards a correct setting in the most changing needs.
Time in this place seems to be suspended: a modern structure, personalized with taste, highlights without emphasis furniture and furnishings, paintings and sculptures, majolica and rare objects starting from 1500 up to a collection of paintings of the ‘900 that have as their element in common Verona and its artists.
Everything here is chosen and collected with the ultimate goal of preserving and enhancing the testimonies that artists, more or less distant, have wanted to transmit to us.
The history of this gallery was born in 1946 when Alessandro Valbusa decided to make his work his passion too; later the activity was conducted with great success by his son Dino with his wife Patrizia; since the beginning of the 21st century (or new millennium), the grandson of the founder and namesake, Alessandro Valbusa has been following the family business after graduating in Verona in Conservation of Cultural Heritage.
A third generation that confirms how passion and taste for beautiful things are part of the DNA of this family.